collinearity.pca <- function(x, nlin=dim(x)[2], lin.combs=F, digits=3, standardize=F) { if(! & !is.matrix(x)) { cat("\nError in collinearity.pca(): first (x) argument must be a data frame or matrix.\n") return(NULL) } xx <- as.matrix(x) vars.unique <- unlist(lapply(apply(xx, 2, unique), length)) if(any(vars.unique==1)) { cat("The following variables take on only one value and will not be used:\n") print(names(vars.unique)[vars.unique==1]) xx <- xx[,names(vars.unique)[vars.unique!=1]] } if(standardize) xx <- apply(xx, 2, scale) p <- dim(xx)[2]; nlin <- min(p,nlin) # number of predictors eig <- eigen(var(xx)) # eigendecomposition of the covariance matrix labels <- paste("PC",1:p,sep="") # eig is badly labeled, correct this: names(eig$values) <- labels # relabel the variances dimnames(eig$vectors)[[2]] <- labels # relabel the lin. combs. dimnames(eig$vectors)[[1]] <- colnames(x) # relabel the lin. combs. ord <- (p:1)[1:nlin] # pick the last nlin in reverse order eig$values <- round(eig$values[ord], digits) # round for readability eig$vectors <- round(eig$vectors[,ord], digits) # dito names(eig) <- c("variances","coefficients") # e'vals=variances if(lin.combs) eig$lin.combs <- xx %*% eig$coefficients return(eig) }